Hebrew Enrichment Program 22/23 - ChabadWhitefield.com
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Inspiring Jewish Pride and Identity and Jewish children - the future of Judaism.
Chabad Hebrew Enrichment Program was created to provide education that will instill pride, a sense of history, love for the land of Israel and a genuine understanding of what Judaism is all about. Our school welcomes every Jew, regardless of religious background or level of observance.
Upcoming Events
05. Sep, 2021
First day of Program

07 - 08. Sep, 2021
Welcome to the new Year!! 
Rosh Hashana Service,
Includes Children Service & Shofar blowing,
Followed by Kiddush-to-go!

13. Sep, 2021
Yom Kippur Slipper Scavenager Hunt!!

23 - 26. Sep, 2021
We bring Sukka to you!!