As we approach the High Holidays, culminating in the joyous celebration of Simchat Torah, we also mark one year since hundreds of precious souls were so brutally taken from us on October 7.
This year’s Simchat Torah may feel different, and for many of us, it will be difficult. Yet, despite the pain, "we will dance again." We will dance with the Torah, and in doing so, we will dance for those precious souls–we will be their feet on the dance floor.
To embody this profound idea, Chabad of Whitefield is creating a new Sefer Torah mantle to be used this Simchat Torah. This mantle will stand as a powerful symbol of our unwavering resilience and enduring joy. The mantle’s design will depict sparks dancing in the sky, ascending toward the words "Am Yisrael Chai," symbolizing our collective resolve to dance again, together with all our loved ones, to the rhythm of our eternal Torah and our enduring nation. This mantle will remind us that the light of those we lost continues to shine brightly within our community and beyond—“Am Yisrael Chai.”
To be a part of this meaningful project, we invite you to contribute by making a donation. Your support will help bring this vision to life.